Elvaloy KEE is a durable plasticizer that enhances a roof’s resistance to harmful chemicals and pollutants. It can handle the heavy-duty challenges of acid rain, harsh chemicals, industrial pollutants, oil, fats, and even jet fuel. These harsh chemicals can extract liquid plasticizers out of standard PVC membranes, leading to premature degradation. Elvaloy-enhanced PVC membranes are more resistant to the effects of harsh chemicals, making them the ideal choice for rooftops exposed to the harshest environments.
Versico has been committed to delivering technological innovations that improve rooftop performance and increase roof system longevity. That’s why Versico is pleased to offer its VersiFlex-E KEE compounded with Elvaloy. This performance-enhancing, flexible plasticizer keeps the membrane more flexible, makes it easier to weld, and allows it to be more serviceable for a longer period of time.